Global Socio-Economic Factors Part 1: Data Processing

An analysis of socio-economic factors affecting the world’s countries using PySpark

Isa AlDoseri


October 31, 2023


This is the dataset where we study historical indicators of wealth, prosperity and detriment (via CO2 production) in the world.

This data was taken from Kaggle. We will attempt to wrangle the data and bring it to a form that is suitable for predictive modelling later on (next chapter).

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

These are the datasets in question

data_folder = 'data'
!ls -1 {data_folder}/*.csv


Let’s read one of them and print the columns…

data_folder = Path(data_folder)
life_exp = pd.read_csv(data_folder/'life_expectancy_by_birth.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 206 entries, 0 to 205
Data columns (total 37 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   ISO3           195 non-null    object 
 1   Country        206 non-null    object 
 2   hdicode        191 non-null    object 
 3   region         151 non-null    object 
 4   hdi_rank_2021  191 non-null    float64
 5   le_1990        206 non-null    float64
 6   le_1991        206 non-null    float64
 7   le_1992        206 non-null    float64
 8   le_1993        206 non-null    float64
 9   le_1994        206 non-null    float64
 10  le_1995        206 non-null    float64
 11  le_1996        206 non-null    float64
 12  le_1997        206 non-null    float64
 13  le_1998        206 non-null    float64
 14  le_1999        206 non-null    float64
 15  le_2000        206 non-null    float64
 16  le_2001        206 non-null    float64
 17  le_2002        206 non-null    float64
 18  le_2003        206 non-null    float64
 19  le_2004        206 non-null    float64
 20  le_2005        206 non-null    float64
 21  le_2006        206 non-null    float64
 22  le_2007        206 non-null    float64
 23  le_2008        206 non-null    float64
 24  le_2009        206 non-null    float64
 25  le_2010        206 non-null    float64
 26  le_2011        206 non-null    float64
 27  le_2012        206 non-null    float64
 28  le_2013        206 non-null    float64
 29  le_2014        206 non-null    float64
 30  le_2015        206 non-null    float64
 31  le_2016        206 non-null    float64
 32  le_2017        206 non-null    float64
 33  le_2018        206 non-null    float64
 34  le_2019        206 non-null    float64
 35  le_2020        206 non-null    float64
 36  le_2021        206 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(33), object(4)
memory usage: 59.7+ KB

Now let’s read the rest of the data

co2 = pd.read_csv(data_folder/'co2_production.csv')
gross_income_percapita = pd.read_csv(data_folder/'gross_national_income_per_capital.csv')
hdi_index = pd.read_csv(data_folder/'human_development_index.csv')

Let’s ensure all 206 countries are mentioned in all three datasets

hdi_index.shape[0] == co2.shape[0] == gross_income_percapita.shape[0] == life_exp.shape[0]

We can see the same number of columns too


Determining ID column

We can look at the ISO3 & Country columns as global identifiers (we’ll single one out later on), let’s see if there’s any null values in the ISO3 column

ISO3 Country hdicode region hdi_rank_2021 le_1990 le_1991 le_1992 le_1993 le_1994 ... le_2012 le_2013 le_2014 le_2015 le_2016 le_2017 le_2018 le_2019 le_2020 le_2021
195 NaN Very high human development NaN NaN NaN 73.776652 73.931896 74.058848 73.852640 74.007158 ... 78.578754 78.822196 79.057616 79.062435 79.264933 79.428843 79.582768 79.822662 78.789745 78.521301
196 NaN High human development NaN NaN NaN 67.315701 67.567552 67.966260 68.358081 68.636211 ... 74.212238 74.463776 74.732246 74.944071 75.152677 75.261530 75.600606 75.785826 75.120548 74.709094
197 NaN Medium human development NaN NaN NaN 58.757754 58.991558 59.592548 59.880467 60.250251 ... 67.460860 67.893291 68.411503 68.895967 69.314997 69.694263 69.998178 70.219458 69.517580 67.438318
198 NaN Low human development NaN NaN NaN 50.351409 50.608373 50.467296 50.606850 51.070213 ... 59.569566 60.010001 60.326771 60.657080 61.064843 61.424061 61.721181 62.083426 61.675690 61.310991
199 NaN Arab States NaN NaN NaN 62.973324 63.225764 63.520079 64.512882 65.562309 ... 70.261228 70.274253 70.570127 70.836099 71.019940 71.508744 71.711891 71.922194 71.002105 70.895040
200 NaN East Asia and the Pacific NaN NaN NaN 67.161758 67.383754 67.905512 68.375688 68.640580 ... 74.427861 74.677412 74.936109 75.156317 75.355177 75.419246 75.835426 76.036110 75.968330 75.579650
201 NaN Europe and Central Asia NaN NaN NaN 67.781962 67.609336 66.896095 66.718280 67.136734 ... 72.606274 72.992396 73.357649 73.681015 73.983262 74.343005 74.505959 74.700741 72.780992 72.856526
202 NaN Latin America and the Caribbean NaN NaN NaN 67.770568 68.127209 68.458998 68.786974 69.166664 ... 74.067656 74.316945 74.521732 74.579895 74.544240 74.705572 74.823478 75.014905 73.008316 72.099890
203 NaN South Asia NaN NaN NaN 58.830494 59.102221 59.727847 60.058622 60.441754 ... 67.915940 68.395439 68.905849 69.407382 69.874722 70.245467 70.517018 70.722315 69.972908 67.855530
204 NaN Sub-Saharan Africa NaN NaN NaN 49.868704 49.989060 49.900445 49.817075 49.722427 ... 57.987394 58.539213 59.010080 59.428775 59.954595 60.348837 60.735440 61.120031 60.729051 60.112467
205 NaN World NaN NaN NaN 65.144798 65.299082 65.584015 65.753616 65.986642 ... 71.289119 71.581265 71.886202 72.111793 72.370895 72.568952 72.816114 73.012099 72.257297 71.365465

11 rows × 37 columns

The NaN values aren’t related to any countries, rather, they are to related to group of countries for brevity. We will drop these rows from the table.

life_exp_countries = life_exp.dropna(subset='ISO3', axis=0)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 195 entries, 0 to 194
Data columns (total 37 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   ISO3           195 non-null    object 
 1   Country        195 non-null    object 
 2   hdicode        191 non-null    object 
 3   region         151 non-null    object 
 4   hdi_rank_2021  191 non-null    float64
 5   le_1990        195 non-null    float64
 6   le_1991        195 non-null    float64
 7   le_1992        195 non-null    float64
 8   le_1993        195 non-null    float64
 9   le_1994        195 non-null    float64
 10  le_1995        195 non-null    float64
 11  le_1996        195 non-null    float64
 12  le_1997        195 non-null    float64
 13  le_1998        195 non-null    float64
 14  le_1999        195 non-null    float64
 15  le_2000        195 non-null    float64
 16  le_2001        195 non-null    float64
 17  le_2002        195 non-null    float64
 18  le_2003        195 non-null    float64
 19  le_2004        195 non-null    float64
 20  le_2005        195 non-null    float64
 21  le_2006        195 non-null    float64
 22  le_2007        195 non-null    float64
 23  le_2008        195 non-null    float64
 24  le_2009        195 non-null    float64
 25  le_2010        195 non-null    float64
 26  le_2011        195 non-null    float64
 27  le_2012        195 non-null    float64
 28  le_2013        195 non-null    float64
 29  le_2014        195 non-null    float64
 30  le_2015        195 non-null    float64
 31  le_2016        195 non-null    float64
 32  le_2017        195 non-null    float64
 33  le_2018        195 non-null    float64
 34  le_2019        195 non-null    float64
 35  le_2020        195 non-null    float64
 36  le_2021        195 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(33), object(4)
memory usage: 57.9+ KB

let’s repeat this step for the other datasets, and see if they match in # of rows

co2_countries = co2.dropna(subset='ISO3', axis=0)
gross_income_percapita_countries = gross_income_percapita.dropna(subset='ISO3', axis=0)
hdi_index_countries = hdi_index.dropna(subset='ISO3', axis=0)

co2_countries.shape[0] == hdi_index_countries.shape[0] == gross_income_percapita_countries.shape[0]

Time Series Data

These datasets, when combined, have all the makings of a time-series dataset! We wager that we can combine them into one big dataset and save it to disk. This will simplify our modeling in the next chapter.

We see some miscellaneous data that can be put aside; particularly the hdicode & hdi_rank_2021 columns

# Putting misc cols aside so it's not repeated
country_miscellaneous_cols = ['region', 'hdicode', 'hdi_rank_2021', 'ISO3']
country_misc_data = life_exp_countries[['Country']+country_miscellaneous_cols]

time_series_data = life_exp_countries.drop(country_miscellaneous_cols, axis=1)\
.merge(hdi_index_countries.drop(country_miscellaneous_cols, axis=1), on='Country', how='outer')\
.merge(co2_countries.drop(country_miscellaneous_cols, axis=1), on='Country', how='outer')\
.merge(gross_income_percapita_countries.drop(country_miscellaneous_cols, axis=1), on='Country', how='outer')\

Country le_1990 le_1991 le_1992 le_1993 le_1994 le_1995 le_1996 le_1997 le_1998 ... gnipc_2012 gnipc_2013 gnipc_2014 gnipc_2015 gnipc_2016 gnipc_2017 gnipc_2018 gnipc_2019 gnipc_2020 gnipc_2021
0 Afghanistan 45.9672 46.6631 47.5955 51.4664 51.4945 52.5442 53.2433 53.6342 52.9431 ... 2125.862821 2193.553936 2178.507021 2101.589319 2077.566899 2085.487571 2054.939895 2097.889450 1997.852149 1824.190915
1 Angola 41.8933 43.8127 42.2088 42.1009 43.4217 45.8491 46.0329 46.3065 45.0570 ... 7280.845666 7478.104777 7704.231949 7652.656486 7189.426672 6861.575738 6381.521946 6082.746624 5593.142060 5465.617791
2 Albania 73.1439 73.3776 73.7148 73.9391 74.1313 74.3616 74.5923 73.9039 74.9899 ... 11146.263030 11552.982470 11691.648290 12016.297600 12484.624200 12802.148310 13302.705960 13485.311240 12996.762910 14131.110390
3 Andorra 78.4063 77.9805 80.3241 78.6633 82.6380 78.9616 80.3340 80.9439 79.4259 ... 47126.814610 46385.095200 48483.720320 49936.874540 52267.738320 52650.225760 53483.306630 54465.047400 47878.666640 51166.626610
4 United Arab Emirates 71.9004 72.2414 72.3062 72.5213 72.5982 72.6945 72.7674 72.9367 73.0658 ... 57445.954750 60005.695360 62573.505310 65577.512240 66881.329740 67667.508460 67195.095230 68590.900940 63016.401220 62573.591810
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
190 Samoa 67.6584 67.8814 68.3855 68.7009 68.9795 69.2984 69.5877 69.8746 70.1711 ... 5683.651395 5675.889504 5757.486050 6222.783552 6401.830980 6287.673021 6280.573936 6356.988690 5812.868328 5307.953374
191 Yemen 58.6994 59.0490 59.4283 59.8595 59.7135 60.4532 60.5678 61.1193 61.3748 ... 3152.900024 3212.651579 2775.842952 1785.788608 1494.230811 1302.425254 1341.656234 1349.567046 1370.601082 1314.270189
192 South Africa 63.3753 63.2649 63.3414 63.0447 62.6118 62.2616 61.4593 60.8053 60.0008 ... 13602.253520 13732.252520 13700.834560 13694.728110 13545.358590 13475.988210 13491.221790 13366.474640 12449.671040 12948.373250
193 Zambia 47.9263 47.0971 46.5119 46.2094 45.8543 45.5534 45.2326 44.9446 44.7011 ... 3333.576512 3389.478940 3263.039162 3403.471444 3237.505650 3330.552717 3418.096158 3365.410652 3178.619722 3217.767739
194 Zimbabwe 59.4264 58.0911 56.4354 54.4264 52.5878 50.5310 48.9551 47.9933 46.8192 ... 3618.629526 3632.111591 3644.856047 3638.532892 3606.750671 3728.918785 3864.012419 3674.564482 3654.289051 3809.887158

195 rows × 129 columns

Melt Dataset

We like the earlier form of the dataset, but we want something better; considering that there are too many columns that are hard to read. Let’s melt it!

Basically, it will involve extracting the year out of the life_exp, hdi, etc. variables and having it as a separate column, with the value of that year displayed next to it. Finally we’re going to use that as a key to merge all the variables together.

Finally each row will take the following form…

# Melt the dataset
life_exp_year_columns = tuple(f'le_{year}' for year in range(1990, 2022))
hdi_year_columns = tuple(f'hdi_{year}' for year in range(1990, 2022))
gnipc_year_columns = tuple(f'gnipc_{year}' for year in range(1990, 2022))
co2_year_columns = tuple(f'co2_prod_{year}' for year in range(1990, 2022))

def melt_df_by_var(df, value_name, value_vars):
    melted = df.melt('Country', value_vars=value_vars, var_name='year', value_name=value_name)
    melted.year = melted.year.str.slice(-4).astype(int)
    return melted

melted_time_series = melt_df_by_var(time_series_data, 'life_exp', life_exp_year_columns)\
.merge(melt_df_by_var(time_series_data, 'hdi_index', hdi_year_columns), on=('Country', 'year'))\
.merge(melt_df_by_var(time_series_data, 'co2', co2_year_columns), on=('Country', 'year'))\
.merge(melt_df_by_var(time_series_data, 'gnipc', gnipc_year_columns), on=('Country', 'year'))

Country year life_exp hdi_index co2 gnipc
0 Afghanistan 1990 45.9672 0.273 0.209727 2684.550019
1 Angola 1990 41.8933 NaN 0.429586 4845.706901
2 Albania 1990 73.1439 0.647 1.656902 4742.215529
3 Andorra 1990 78.4063 NaN 7.461153 43773.146500
4 United Arab Emirates 1990 71.9004 0.728 28.277672 102433.136000
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6235 Samoa 2021 72.7675 0.707 1.238975 5307.953374
6236 Yemen 2021 63.7534 0.455 0.327510 1314.270189
6237 South Africa 2021 62.3410 0.713 7.620420 12948.373250
6238 Zambia 2021 61.2234 0.565 0.357535 3217.767739
6239 Zimbabwe 2021 59.2531 0.593 0.708562 3809.887158

6240 rows × 6 columns

Finally writing it to disk

melted_time_series.to_csv(data_folder/'processed/time_series.csv', index=False)


This finalizes our steps to process the data. We’ll do a few more preprocessing steps necessary before modelling in the next chapter. Stay Tuned.